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Before the coffin lid
is lowered into place,
my Lord of Damiano,
I need to make a meditation.
You spoke to Francis
from this San Damiano cross
to work at rebuilding
your house,
and I am part of it,
and so my father Francis
has been rebuilding me.

Your Damiano image
is hanging here,
in the open coffin,
and I would like a turn to speak:
we need recruits, my Lord,
or we will end
with a flimsy shack
instead of a house for you.
We each are made a part
of your loving presence in this world,
completing Damiano’s blessing.
We take with us
the Damiano ordinance
as we pass on your recruitment
to let you come alive in us
and make your house
a little more complete.

April 2015
Bonaventure Stefun, OFM Cap.