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The Holy Father,
the title never was used,
just Pope, the generic,
arrived in America,
and America passed on
experienced wisdom,
even revelation, to all the world.

All people are equal,
including ones
we once made slaves
and our greed keeps globalizing,
so we aim for kindness now,
you all are our brothers and sisters,
we are no better than you.

We all may double and triple
our talents,
for our own profit
and that of the country.

We have lived our experiment
two centuries and more of years,
with no religion tenured
and all protected equally,
and all do well to read
our Declaration of Independence
and Bill of Rights.
The land of endless forests
has never declared war
to gain more trees.
War only splinters the trees
while the ground
is being fertilized with blood.
Our statue welcomed thousands
as citizens enriching the nation,
and more keep blessing the land.
In nudge to all the world,
review our experiment,
for it writes another gospel,
and builds a haven of faith
and caring for one another.

Our brother Bonaventure wrote
his inspirations on the Pope's visit
while in the hospital in Pittsburgh.
We're praying for you, brother!

Hospital, Sept. 23-27, 2015
Bonaventure Stefun, OFM Cap.

See the reflections from the Lent-Easter series here.
Advent-Christmas reflections are also online.